Brief Profile:

In general, an increase in the availability of veterinarians in Indonesia felt very less. For the livestock sector in Indonesia is the ideal number of 400 020 currently requires a vet, so if it only relies on the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FKH) is available to meet national needs vet like the picture above, it takes quite a long time. As one result of that happening are a lot of problems and the development of veterinary field associated with animal disease and public health, could not be handled or dealt with by another expert who has no veterinary medical competence.

As one of the efforts to increase the number of veterinarians in Indonesia and answers for veterinary workforce needs, the efforts was the opening of the new Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in both the public and private universities. With the opening of the new Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, one of which is expected UB Program Veterinary Medicine veterinary workforce needs to be able to be realized step by step. Currently in Indonesia with a population of around 240 million people has only five (5) Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.

Veterinary Program was established based on a license from the Ministry of Education, Directorate General of Higher Education 2953 / D / T / 2008 on the delivery of Veterinary Medicine Program UB. Start of Academic Year 2008/2009 has received a student continued to receive the 2009/2010 academic year a number of students doubled.

Currently teaching staff remain with the profession as a veterinarian spread the Faculty of Animal Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, and the Faculty of Medicine. Consisting of Professors, Doctoral and Masters, alumni of Gadjah Mada University, IPB Bogor, Airlangga University, Australia, France and the University of Padjadjaran. As the realization efficiency of learning and laboratory facilities, Education Program Veterinarian UB is supported by teaching staff of the Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Animal Science and Faculty of Mathematics, University of Brawijaya. From the outside UB is ready to support learning in Education Program Veterinarian UB comes from Airlangga University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty, FKH IPB, veterinarians and veterinary practitioners of various related large halls in East Java.

Some basic scientific fields and facilities as well as faculty and laboratory can be synergized and shared between programs with the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Animal Science and Faculty of Science are: Biology, Biochemistry, Biomolecular, Biomedical, Physiology, Pharmacology, Reproduction Embryologi Clinical Pathology , Nutrition Clinics and Breeding. While laboratory facilities are currently managed PKH_UB Anatomy, Histology, Microbiology, Parasitology and Immunology. Besides, for the academic activities also facilitated PKH-UB has Polikilinik Animals, which is currently in addition to education also serves the surrounding communities.

Student Affairs has formed a Veterinary Student Association, UB (HIMAKAHA-UB) by SK Chairman Veterinary Medicine Program no. 203 / SK / 2009, for the purpose, among others, facilitate the activities of internal and external student at UB.