“Philosophy of Dynamic Lanterns”

Lantern: A bright light that can illuminate everything around it. In the logo, it is depicted in the form of a tree.

Dynamic: The attitude of constantly moving forward and being able to adapt to any situation. In the logo, it is depicted as a white horse running towards the front right.

“Philosophy of the Logo”

White horse: symbolizes a dynamic figure. The horse runs towards the front right, with the forward direction interpreted as visionary, the right direction representing truth and freedom of speech, and the white color symbolizing the transparent spirit of the collegium students.
Tree: symbolizes a bright lantern, representing the sheltering of the collegium.
Desert: symbolizes the collegium students’ ability to face various unforeseen situations.
Blue-beige sky: symbolizes the attitude of trust, loyalty, responsibility, and the purity of the collegium students.

“Philosophy of the Logo Colours”

White: Transparent spirit
Black: Firmness and the ability to face obstacles with courage
Blue: Trust, loyalty, and responsibility
Beige: Purity


General Description

The Student Representative Council (SRC) was established because its implementation required a separation of specific responsibilities within the institution that were previously combined. This separation involves legislative responsibilities being held by the DPM, while executive responsibilities are held by the BEM. The DPM FKH UB for the 2024 period is the fourteenth DPM in the Veterinary Medicine Student Collegium at UB.

The Student Representative Council of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Brawijaya University (SRC of FVM-UB) is characterised by a collegial collectivity. Collectivity means that SRC of FVM-UB is an institution where decision-making on behalf of DPM FKH-UB must occur through meetings involving members, rather than individual decisions. Collegiality implies there is no stratification of positions and authority among members of SRC of FVM-UB, and no differences in rights and obligations, except for the functional and administrative responsibilities agreed upon collectively. Therefore, it is hoped that functional and administrative tasks can be conducted in a more orderly and structured manner with the establishment of an organisational structure within the student body of FVM-UB.



  • To transform the SRC of FVM-UB into an institution that empowers students with high integrity, creating a representative platform for aspirations in line with the principles of collegiality.
  • To optimise the performance of the DPM FKH UB as a synergistic legislative body.
  • To make the DPM FKH UB the primary bridge between students and the academic community of FKH UB.
  • To establish legislators who are credible, disciplined, and responsible.
Zaneta Kusjunaidi
Rika Tri Ambarwati
Amanda Fauztina Kartika
Icha Stevansya Roito Sihite

The Three Commissions of The SRC of FVM UB 2024

  1. Legislation Committee
    This committee is responsible and authorised to draft or revise legislation and to carry out all tasks related to law enforcement within the collegium in accordance with the law.
  2. Institutional Committee
    This committee is responsible and authorised to oversee autonomous institutions and to act as a liaison between the SRC of FVM-UB and other institutions within the FVM-UB collegium.

  3. Student Advocacy and Welfare Committee
    This committee is responsible for filtering and advocating the aspirations of all FVM-UB students and for handling issues related to student rights, including lecture facilities, practical work, administrative service systems, scholarships, and financial obligations imposed on students, as well as evaluating student organisation activities at FVM-UB.