The 16th Anniversary Open Meeting of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya (FKH UB) with the theme “SYNERGY, INNOVATION, EXPANSION TOWARD INTERNATIONAL REPUTATION” and the Launch of the Brawijaya Veterinary Academy (BVA) and Brawijaya Veterinary Innovation and Technology (Vet-Tech).

On Wednesday, 4th September 2024, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Universitas Brawijaya (FVM UB) celebrated the culmination of its 16th Anniversary with an open meeting and thanksgiving event held in room 308 Building B FVM UB. The event began at 07:30 WIB with preparations by the organising committee and guest registration.

The event was officially opened by the MC at 08:30 WIB, followed by a report from the Head of the Committee, Dr. Drh. Siti Kurniawati, M.Ked.Trop. Welcoming remarks were delivered by the Dean of FVM UB, Drh. Dyah Ayu Oktavianie, A.P., M.Biotech., followed by a speech from the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs of Universitas Brawijaya, Prof. Dr. Ir. Imam Santoso, MP.

The event continued with a performance report by the Dean of FVM UB and a video presentation showcasing 16 innovations by FVM UB. The highlight of the event was the cutting of the ceremonial tumpeng by the Rector, accompanied by the Dean and former leaders of FVM UB.

A scientific oration was delivered by Dr. Drh. Dahliatul Qosimah, M.Kes, on the theme “The Potential of Natural Immunomodulators from Black Soldier Fly Prepupa Extract in Zebrafish Infected with Aeromonas hydrophila.” The event concluded with the launch of the Brawijaya Veterinary Academy and the Brawijaya Veterinary Innovation and Technology Centre, along with the signing of partnerships with several partners, including PT. Nestle and Royal Canin.

The event ended with a networking session, marking a meaningful anniversary celebration for the entire FVM UB community.