GJM Has a Function

  1. Describe education quality standards in academic quality documents at FKH;
  2. Supervising the implementation of academic quality assurance at FKH;
  3. Evaluate and report on the achievements of the FKH Strategic Plan every semester through faculty management review reports;
  4. Evaluating academic quality assurance at FKH; And
  5. Submit reports on the implementation of academic quality assurance at FKH periodically to the Dean

UJM Has a Function

  1. Describe education quality standards in academic quality documents in the Department;
  2. Monitor the implementation of academic quality assurance in the Department;
  3. Evaluate academic quality assurance in the Department;
  4. Evaluate and report on the achievement of the Study Program’s Main Performance Indicators and Additional Performance Indicators                                               based on LAMPTKes at the end of each semester through study program management review reports;
  5. Submit reports on the implementation of the Department’s academic quality assurance periodically to the Head of the Department.