Puppet Theatre of Animal Fables as a Psychoeducational Tool to Reduce Bullying Behaviour Among Students at Elementary School 3 Kalisongo, Malang Regency

Malang, 15 August 2024 – The issue of bullying in schools has become a serious concern for various parties, including the community, educators, and parents. At Elementary School 3 Kalisongo in Malang Regency, the frequent occurrence of bullying not only disrupts the teaching and learning process but also negatively affects the mental and psychological well-being of students, creating an unsafe and uncomfortable environment.

To address this issue, a group of students from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Brawijaya University (FKH UB) conducted a community service programme as part of their Community Service Programme (KKN). This programme focused on bullying prevention through an activity titled “Animal Fable Puppet Theatre as a Psychoeducational Tool to Reduce Bullying Behaviour Among Students of SDN 3 Kalisongo, Malang Regency.” The students involved in this programme were Syifa Fachrunnisa, Tazkia Alfia, Ghea Afsar, Naurah Shabrina, Putri Syalwa, and Renafra Rahma Ayuni, under the guidance of their supervising lecturer, drh. Shelly Kusumarini R., M.Si.

The programme began with a socialisation session conducted in two face-to-face sessions, each lasting 45 minutes. The first session started at 9:15 AM and ended at 10:00 AM, while the second session took place from 12:15 PM to 1:00 PM. During these sessions, students were asked to complete a pre-test consisting of 10 questions about bullying and social awareness. For students who were not yet proficient in reading, assistance was provided to help them understand the questions using their everyday language.

After the pre-test, students were introduced to a Puppet Theatre performance featuring the story of ‘The Kind Rabbit and the Shy Mouse.’ This story depicted a character, Mouse, who initially lacked self-confidence and became a victim of bullying by his peers but eventually received help from Rabbit, who boosted his self-esteem. Through this story, students were encouraged to understand the importance of empathy, mutual assistance, and self-confidence in dealing with various social situations.

The programme was meticulously prepared, including the purchase of hand puppets shaped like a rabbit, mouse, and squirrel, as well as a puppet stage for the performance. These puppets were chosen because they represented characters that children liked and could effectively convey moral messages through fable narratives. After the performance, students completed a post-test to assess their understanding of the material presented and filled out a satisfaction questionnaire (IKM) to evaluate this Thematic KKN programme.

The students were very enthusiastic and enjoyed the programme. The engaging Puppet Theatre performance made it easier for students to focus and comprehend the material provided. This was evident from the post-test results, where many students were able to answer the questions correctly. The programme was not only entertaining but also educationally effective and is hoped to serve as a model for other schools in creating a safer, more comfortable learning environment that supports the character development of students.

This programme is a tangible example of Brawijaya University students’ commitment to supporting the development of positive character traits from an early age and underscores the importance of collaboration between higher education institutions and primary schools in shaping a more caring and responsible generation.