PKM BIMA FKH UB Team Successfully Holds Batik Ecoprint Socialization and Workshop in Mejono Village

The Community Service Team (PKM) BIMA from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Brawijaya University (FKH UB), consisting of Salma Amanda Dascha, Aisyah Fitrianindita, and Putri Aulia Nur Azizah, under the supervision of drh. Reza Yesica, M.Sc., and supported by lecturers Drs. Budiono and drh. Gretania Residiwati, successfully held a Batik Ecoprint Socialization and Workshop for the housewives of Mejono Village. The event took place on July 19, 2024, at Balai Bengong Gronjong Wariti, Mejono Village.

Documentation of Ecoprint Workshop Participants

The program featured Sri Winarti, or often called Bu Win, as the main speaker. She is a batik ecoprint artisan and entrepreneur with a business named Edelweiss Batik. Bu Win shared her experience in creating batik ecoprint using natural materials such as leaves, flowers, and bark. During the socialization, she explained basic techniques and the benefits of batik ecoprint, which is eco-friendly, along with its economic potential if further developed by the community.

Potrait of Mrs. Win with PKM BIMA FKH UB Team

The participants showed great enthusiasm throughout the workshop. With guidance from Bu Win and assistance from the PKM team, the participants successfully created beautiful batik ecoprint works with unique patterns. The PKM BIMA FKH UB team expressed that this activity is part of the efforts to empower the people of Mejono Village with new skills that have economic value.

Ecoprint Batik Making Process

The event was fully supported by Mr. Agung Priyono, the Head of Mejono Village, and Mr. Heru Ismanto, Director of BUMDES Hapsari, who welcomed the implementation of this PKM program. Several other village officials who attended the event also expressed their gratitude to the students and speakers for the knowledge and skills shared with the community. Through this PKM activity, it is hoped that Mejono Village can continue to develop its local potential, especially in the field of ecoprint batik craftsmanship, which is not only environmentally friendly but also has a high market appeal.

Author: Putri Aulia Nur Azizah
Editor : PSIK FKH UB