PKM BIMA FKH UB Team Immediately Implement E-ticketing System at Gronjong Wariti

FKH UB Community Service Team had the opportunity to take part in the 2024 Research and Community Service Funding program organized by the Directorate of Research, Technology and Community Service (DRTPM) of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology. The scheme implemented by the FKH UB PKM team is Community Partnership Empowerment. The PKM FKH UB team consists of 3 students (Salma Amanda Dascha, Putri Aulia Nur Azizah, Aisyah Fitrianindita), with the head of drh. Reza Yesica, M.Sc., and field assistant lecturer drh. Gretania Residiwati, M.Si. Ph.D., drh. Habib Syaiful Arif Tuska, M.Sc., and Drs. Budiono, M.Sc., Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Universitas Brawijaya partnered with BUMDes Hapsari, Gronjong Wariti.

Gronjong Wariti is in Mejono Village, Plemahan District, Kediri Regency. This place used to be a slum river area, village officials together with BUMDes and all residents worked together to clean up and turn the area into a tourist spot. Gronjong Wariti is a family-friendly tourist spot and a favorite destination during weekends and school holidays. Entrance to this tourist spot is free, visitors only need to pay the ticket rates for the rides they are interested in. Gronjong Wariti offers a typical rural atmosphere with shady bamboo trees surrounding almost the entire tourist area. There are many choices of rides for children and adults, besides that visitors can also have a culinary tour while relaxing in the bamboo shelters available.

One of the main work programs offered by the FKH UB PKM team to BUMDes Hapsari is the implementation of an e-ticketing system at Gronjong Wariti. This program received a good response from the Head of Mejono Village, Agung Priyono, as well as the manager of Gronjong Wariti and the Chairman of BUMDes Hapsari, Heru Ismanto, in a discussion session held on June 23, 2024. Since the inauguration of Gronjong Wariti until now, tourism governance still uses a conventional system, namely ride tickets in the form of simple paper tickets. The conventional governance system has shortcomings in its implementation, namely the lack of transparency and accountability of the amount of revenue from tickets sold.

The solution offered by the PKM FKH UB team is the implementation of a ticketing system based on Business Intelligence. The implementation of the E-ticketing system will use a Mobile POS (Point of Sale) tool that will be available at all ticket counters. Mobile POS will be used for ticket purchase services and printing tickets that have barcodes. Financial data from the sale of ride tickets will be recorded on the recording system. Furthermore, the barcode on the ticket will be scanned by each ride guard, then the visitor data will be recorded on the controlling system, so that the manager can find out the number of visitors to each ride every day.

This program will be implemented around September 2024 after the tools and application system (website) are ready for use. The PKM FKH UB team hopes that this e-ticketing program can improve the governance of Gronjong Wariti for the better. Good governance will improve the quality of service, so that visitor comfort is guaranteed.

Author : Aisyah Fitrianindita
Editor : PSIK FKH UB