Opening Ceremony Program International Student Inbound (ISI) – Batch 2

On Tuesday, 6 August 2024, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Universitas Brawijaya (FKH UB) held an Opening Ceremony for the International Student Inbound (ISI) Programme – Batch 2. The event took place in the Conference Room on the 4th Floor of Building B, FKH UB.

The theme of ISI Batch 2 is “Intensive Short Course of Veterinary Diagnostic Pathology and Reproduction Care” and it will run for approximately one month from 5 August to 31 August 2024. In this programme, international students will study at the Anatomical Pathology Laboratory, Animal Reproduction Laboratory, Clinical Pathology Laboratory, Parasitology Laboratory, Singosari National Artificial Insemination Centre (BBIB Singosari), PT KARYA TANI HATI RAKYAT (KTHR), and Batu City Slaughterhouse (RPH Batu). The programme is attended by eight international students from various universities as follows:

  1. Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University – Bangladesh (Sayma Mahmud Moon and Md. Osman Khan)
  2. CVM Pampanga State Agricultural University – Philippines (Sophia S.A. Vergara)
  3. CVM Benguet State University – Philippines (BUHONG, VALERIE A., Ezra Kassandra D. Cabello, and FERIDO, EUNICE COLEEN CLAUDIO)
  4. Faculty of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine – Nong Lam University HCMC Vietnam (Nguyen Tran Minh Thu, Tran Vinh Tu)

The event was officially opened by the Dean of FKH UB, Drh. Dyah Ayu Oktavianie AP., M.Biotech., APVet. In her speech, she expressed her pride and great hope that this programme would provide optimal benefits for the participating students in enhancing their academic and practical skills in Veterinary Diagnostic Pathology and Reproduction Care.

Additionally, the event was attended by the Vice Dean 1 of FKH UB, Drh. Indah Amalia Amri, M.Si., along with faculty members and staff of FKH UB who warmly welcomed the international students with high enthusiasm.

The International Student Inbound (ISI) programme is expected to enhance international cooperation and strengthen the academic network of FKH UB with various veterinary education institutions abroad. Furthermore, this programme serves as a platform for international students to share knowledge and experiences, and to introduce academic culture in Indonesia, particularly at FKH UB.

The Opening Ceremony ran smoothly and concluded with a group photo session and friendly interactions between the participants and the organising committee. The international students will then proceed with their activities according to the schedule set in the Student Short Course and Internship programme at FKH UB.