Learning Pet Health Management for Primary School Children in Batu City

In an effort to raise awareness among primary school children about the importance of pet health management, Agri Kaltaria Anisa, S. Farm., Apt., M.Si., a lecturer from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Universitas Brawijaya, along with students Anindya Hana Salsabila and Najwa Ammaradhani, conducted a Community Service and Thematic Field Work (KKN) programme at SDN Sisir 01, Batu City.

This programme, which took place from 15 July to 9 August 2024, aimed to educate students in Years 4 to 6 about how to care for and manage the health of their pets, particularly cats and rabbits. Through interactive sessions, students learned about various breeds of cats and rabbits, safe and harmful types of food, vitamin needs, signs of illness in pets, and common diseases found in cats and rabbits.

As an output of this initiative, the community service and thematic KKN team not only provided direct educational materials but also created a storybook with simple explanations and engaging illustrations tailored to the children’s age group. This book was handed over to SDN Sisir 01, Batu, as a learning tool that can be used by all students to understand pet health management.

This activity is expected to instil basic knowledge about pet health from an early age, encouraging children to be more attentive and capable of taking better care of their beloved pets.