Introducing the Basic Anatomy of Rabbits to Teach the Proper Handling Techniques for Rabbits at SDN Bandulan 2, Malang

Students from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Brawijaya University (FKH UB), participating in a Community Service Program (KKN), held an educational activity at Bandulan 2 Elementary School aimed at introducing the basic anatomy of rabbits to teach the proper handling techniques for rabbits. The KKN activity took place from July 22 to August 7, 2024, and was met with great enthusiasm by both students and teachers.

The students assigned to SDN Bandulan 2 were Alfia Ayu, Nhasya Dyo, Danthina Ravindra, Fatimah Cinta, and Salsabilla Marva, with Drh. Gretania Residiwati, M.Si., Ph. D., serving as the supervising lecturer. The activity began with a presentation on the basic anatomy of rabbits and the proper handling techniques for students.

Documentation of KKN activity

During the event, the students also prepared several learning materials such as modules, posters, and pamphlets to facilitate the learning process. These materials could be read and studied even after the activity concluded.

Learning materials such as modules, posters, and pamphlets about the basic anatomy of rabbits and the proper handling techniques

In addition to providing educational content, the KKN students organized a fun quiz about rabbits and reviewed the material to help students recall and better understand what had been discussed. After that, the students were invited to practice the proper handling of rabbits directly, allowing them to apply what they had learned

Documentation of learning activities

Through this activity, it is hoped that the students will gain a better understanding of rabbit anatomy and proper handling techniques, as well as become more aware of animal welfare.

Documentation of learning activities