FKH UB Introduces Baro Biscuits and Rabbit Feeding Education at Mejono State Elementary School

The Community Service Student Team of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya (PKM FKH UB) together with Field Supervisors drh. Gretania Residiwati, M. Si. Ph. D. and drh. Habib Syaiful Arif Tuska, M. Si., and Drs. Budiono, M. Si., carried out a community service program in Mejono Village, Plemahan District, Kediri Regency. One of the work programs implemented was rabbit feed and nutrition education to students of SD Negeri Mejono for two days, on July 22nd-23rd, 2024. This educational program aims to foster a sense of concern for the younger generation towards the welfare of animal life through the introduction of types of feed that can be given to rabbits. The principal of SDN Mejono, Dra. Anies Erowati, welcomed the implementation of this KKN program.

Documentation of the implementation of rabbit feed and nutrition education activities to students of SD Negeri Mejono

This educational activity was carried out with the method of explaining the material by students with poster media and students practicing directly feeding rabbits. The activity began with working on pretest questions and continued with the delivery of material. The material presented has been adapted to the needs of students. The material includes the definition of feed and nutrition, types of feed that can and should not be given to rabbits, feed needs, and unique facts about rabbits.

Learning media posters, pamphlets, and modules on rabbit feed and nutrition

Material delivery is also carried out through song activities to attract students’ attention, the lyrics of the song are a summary of material about rabbit feed. This method is expected to increase students’ understanding of the material presented. In addition, the PKM FKH UB Team distributed modules and pamphlets containing material on rabbit feed and nutrition needs as a reference for students. Furthermore, students were directed to work on posttest questions to determine the level of understanding of the material.

In addition to the presentation of material and working on questions, this educational activity was also carried out by providing interactive quizzes which were greeted with great enthusiasm by students. At the end of the activity, students were given the opportunity to interact directly with rabbits that had been provided by the PKM FKH UB Team. Students tried directly how to handle the rabbits properly and feed the rabbits. Students also had the opportunity to share stories and experiences about caring for pets with students.

On this occasion, the PKM FKH UB Team also introduced Appropriate Technology, Baro Biscuits. Baro (Banana Carrot) biscuits are treats or snacks for rabbits made from the basic ingredients of carrots and bananas. These treats are given to rabbits to meet the nutritional needs of rabbits and provide variations in feed to rabbits. The activity was closed by giving consumption in the form of bread and milk, giving prizes to students who were active in this activity, and documentation sessions. Through this work program, the PKM FKH UB Team hopes to contribute in forming a generation that cares about the health and welfare of animal life.

Author : Aisyah Fitrianindita