FGD (Focus Group Discussion) and Alumni Gathering with the theme “Increasing Harmonisation Between Young and Old for the Integrity of Veterinary Students at Brawijaya University” at the 16th Anniversary of FKH UB

Last Saturday, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Universitas Brawijaya (FKH UB) successfully held the Peak Event of the 16th Dies Natalis: Synergy, Innovation, Expansion towards International Reputation.

The event was officially opened by the Dean of FKH UB, Drh. Dyah Ayu Oktavianie, A.P., M.Biotech, accompanied by the vice deans, department heads, programme coordinators, administrative heads, and the entire academic community of FKH UB.

The 16th Dies Natalis was not just a moment to celebrate the faculty’s anniversary but also served as a turning point for all of us to continue progressing and contributing in the field of veterinary medicine to achieve international recognition.

The series of events were enlivened with various competitions, including a zero-waste-themed cosplay contest, a colouring competition for children, door prize draws, healthy exercise sessions, and the announcement of winners for the DN Award and the Dean’s Cup. There were also performances by the Vesica band @dekancupfkhub @vesicafkh.

One of the highlights was the FGD Iam Vet Gathering with IMPROVE (Interest and Profession Group of FKH UB), attended by alumni and students of FKH UB @iamvetub @improve_fkhub. The event was opened by Drh. Dodik Prasetyo, M.Si, the coordinator of FKH UB Alumni, and attended by Ms. Agri Kaltaria Anisa, S.Farm, Apt., M.Si, as the SAKIP team representative to provide information on the importance of the Tracer Study to Alumni, Ms. Niken Widiastutik, A.Md., SE, as the Head of Academic and Student Affairs, and Ms. Ira as an education staff member of student affairs.

The event was divided into five classes, each filled with speakers assigned by the core IAM VET FKH UB team, based on the types of veterinary jobs in Indonesia: Poultry Group, Government Employees & Lecturers Group, Large Livestock Group, Wildlife Group, and Pet Animal Group. Alumni delivered presentations on the professional world in each group, and students were highly enthusiastic about the activities.

The excitement of the event showcased the unity and synergistic strength of the entire FKH UB family.

“May the spirit of FKH UB’s 16th Dies Natalis inspire continuous innovation and greater achievements ahead!”