Early One Health Education through a Colouring Activity at Elementary School 3 Kalisongo, Malang Regency

Malang, 14 August 2024 – Students from the Community Service Programme (KKN) of DPP SPP, Universitas Brawijaya, including Renafra Rahma Ayuni, Naurah Shabrina Fazri, Ghea Afsar, Tazkia Alfia, Syifa Fachrunnisa, and Putri Syalwa, organised an educational event themed “One Health” at SDN 3 Kalisongo. This event was designed to introduce the important concept of the interconnectedness of human, animal, and environmental health through a creative and enjoyable method for children: a colouring activity.

The event took place from Tuesday, 23 July 2024, to 24 July 2024, and involved students from Years 1 to 5. The children participated enthusiastically in the colouring activity. Through this activity, the students were encouraged to understand the concept of One Health in a simple and fun way. Each child was given a picture, prepared by the KKN students, featuring various illustrations that reflected the balance of the ecosystem, such as the interactions between humans, animals, and the environment. While colouring, they were also given simple explanations about maintaining personal hygiene and health, as well as how to care for pets properly.

“Human, animal, and environmental health are interconnected. By introducing this concept through a simple activity like colouring, we hope the children can begin to understand the importance of maintaining the balance of these three elements,” said Renafra Rahma Ayuni, the programme coordinator.

The teachers and students at SDN 3 Kalisongo warmly welcomed this initiative and were enthusiastic about the activity. They agreed that such education is crucial for broadening children’s knowledge about health and the environment.

Additionally, the KKN students introduced various simple practices that can be implemented daily to maintain health, such as washing hands before eating and keeping the environment clean. They hope that this knowledge will be applied by the students in their daily lives, both at home and at school.

This event is expected to be a first step in building a generation that is more aware of the importance of One Health. By starting education early, it is hoped that these children will grow up to be individuals who care about the health of themselves, animals, and the environment around them.