drh. Analis Wisnu Wardhana, M.Biomed.


  • Lecturer


  • Macro and micro anatomy

Brief Profile

drh. Analis Wisnu Wardhana, M.Biomed, is a veterinarian and a graduate of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia. He earned a master’s degree in Biomedical Sciences from Universitas Brawijaya, focusing on micro and macro anatomy, with research centred on molecular biology and morphometry of animals from various species. Dr. Analis has received 15 research and community service grants and has written and co-authored 10 publications, including books, journals, papers, and technical guidelines. He works as a senior lecturer at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, East Java, Indonesia, and serves as the Vice Dean for Student Affairs, Alumni, and Entrepreneurship at the same faculty. He has also held positions as Director of the Educational Veterinary Hospital and Head of the Veterinary Anatomy Laboratory at FKH UB. Currently, he is also active as the owner of several veterinary clinics and pet shops in Batu and Malang. In the student sector, he is involved in entrepreneurship development, having secured several entrepreneurship funding grants from the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemdikbudristek) and participating in the Merdeka Entrepreneurship program at Universitas Brawijaya. He is also an active judge and reviewer in the field of entrepreneurship for Kemdikbudristek. Additionally, he serves as a mentor for the shooting and karate student activity units at Universitas Brawijaya and is currently a board member of the Malang branch of PERBAKIN. Professionally, he is a member of the Indonesian Association of Anatomists.


Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Airlangga University

Professional Program

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Airlangga University

Master of Biomedical Sciences

Brawijaya University

Scopus ID


Google Scholar ID


Extract Bee Propolis (Trigona sp) for Preventive Increase Protease Activity and Defect of Trachea Histology in Rats (Rattus norvegicus) Exposed to Cigarette Smoke


The Preventive Effect of Ethanolic Extract of Rome Beauty Apple Peel (Malus sylvestrys Mill) towards Protease Activity and Jejunal Histopathology of Rat (Rattus norvegicus) Exposed to Lead Acetate


Comparison of Corticomedullary Ratio and Medullary Rim Sign in Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease Recurrence in Persian Breed


Accuracy of Computer Vision Hough Line Transform for Water Level Measurement


Peningkatan Pembelajaran Biologi di Sekolah Menengah Atas Melalui Kerjasama Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan


Efek Penambahan Acidifier Pada Pakan Bentuk Pelet Terhadap Karakteristik dan Gambaran Histomorfometri Villi Sekum Kelinci New Zealand White