Developing Students’ Caring Attitudes in Anti-Bullying Education through Fable Stories at Elementary School 3 Kalisongo

Malang, 8 August 2024 – The issue of bullying in schools has become a serious concern for various parties, including educators, students, and parents. As part of the university’s commitment to the Tri Dharma of higher education, a group of students from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya, conducted a community service programme with a primary focus on anti-bullying efforts at SDN 3 Kalisongo. The programme involved Tazkia Alfia, Ghea Afsar, Naurah Shabrina, Putri Syalwa, Renafra Rahma, and Syifa Fachrunnisa, under the guidance of Drh. Shelly Kusumarini R., M.Si. The students chose fable storytelling as a method for anti-bullying education, given its high potential to engage students through appealing visuals, simple narratives, and entertaining elements. Moreover, the fables served as an educational tool to teach about various animal species. The activities were targeted at primary school students from grades 1 to 5, aged between 7 and 11 years old.

The programme began with a pre-test to assess the students’ initial understanding of bullying. This was followed by the delivery of the material using posters and fable stories, accompanied by group discussions. The programme concluded with a post-test and a questionnaire to measure the participants’ satisfaction and understanding. The use of fable storytelling in conflict management education offers a fresh and effective approach to anti-bullying education. The stories and visuals in the fables help students grasp and apply conflict management skills in their daily lives.

Throughout the programme, the students displayed a high level of participation. They were engaged by the animal stories and actively involved in discussions. The students’ responses to the fables were overwhelmingly positive; they found the stories to be relevant and easy to understand. The animal characters in the fables helped the students follow the narrative more easily. This innovative approach is expected not only to be effective in reducing bullying in schools but also to enhance social relationships among students, creating a more conducive and positive learning environment. With this programme, it is hoped that the students of SDN 3 Kalisongo will develop greater empathy and care, thereby fostering a safe and comfortable environment for all students.

This programme represents a tangible effort by Universitas Brawijaya students to support the development of positive character traits from an early age and demonstrates the importance of collaboration between higher education institutions and primary schools in creating a more caring and responsible generation.