From one egg to the UI We Depart

Friday (09/11), PKH UB UB Students are following the event held by FKM UI, namely the Public Health Expo 5 that is one of the major events in the field of science FKM UI. This event is one of the work program of the Ministry of Education and Scientific Institution BEM FKM UI. One event that is attended by students PKH UB Final Presentataion Public Health Expo 2012. Presentation held in one of the discussions at the Central Library 2nd Floor UI UI Library is irregular building located on the edge of an artificial lake. Scientific Writing Competition held School of Public Health major theme 3 Years Towards the MDGs; Offerings to Support Community Health Workers 2015 Target Completion paper we carry, entitled “Chicken eggs Powerful Weapon to Fight Malnutrition in Rural Poor”. The organization of the paper is held after the selection belongs to contestants from all over Indonesia during the previous month in October. Selection is done so as to produce three finalists from college. Three teams were chosen from the State University of Yogyakarta, the UB and the University of Jember. UB is represented by PKH UB Student 2011 amounted to 3 people that Made Good Erland, Dite Nanda Lumaksono and Firdaus Kusumawati. The presentation begins at 10:10 to 11:10 pm, the details in the form of a 10 minute presentation followed a question and answer for 10 minutes. presentation begins with order, Yogyakarta State University as the first presenter, followed finalists from UB and terminated by the finalists of UNEJ. Each team consists of three people, one person in charge of the presentation and the other two are on duty to answer questions. Jury presentation is dr. Endang which is the faculty of the School of Public Health who study the field of Nutrition. After the presentation at 11:25 made ​​the announcement in which the 1st place winner won by University of Yogyakarta, champion 2 by Jember University and earned 3rd place in the UB. The prize carried out by those responsible for the event Ms. Aria, then the finalists are invited to the National Health Seminar (SKN) the next day. Health seminar took place on Saturday (10/11) held in the School of Public Health and lasts until 4pm. The event is quite instructive, a lot of new information to be had there. So, thank you. [FMD]