Community Service & Student Community Service Program (KKN) of FVM UB at SMA Negeri 3 Malang

From 29th July to 16th August 2024, Veterinary Medicine students from Universitas Brawijaya conducted a sustainable education programme on veterinary anatomy titled “Comparison of Animal and Human Anatomy to Support Biology Lessons at SMAN 3 Malang,” using practical sessions and necropsy. This programme focused on the primary topic of Animal Anatomy Learning to Support Biology Lessons, particularly aimed at Year 11 students.

The programme was designed following discussions with the biology teaching team to enrich the material on animal anatomy, going beyond theory by introducing practical experiences through direct observation and necropsy, or the dissection of a chicken carcass.

Theoretical and Practical Learning

In the first stage, the students provided foundational material on veterinary anatomy. The pupils were taught about various animal organ systems, including the digestive, respiratory, circulatory, reproductive, excretory, and sensory systems. Each system was explained in detail using visual aids, such as diagrams and videos, to help the students understand the function and structure of each organ.

After the theoretical presentation, students were invited to participate directly in practical activities. During this session, they observed prepared animal organs, such as the heart, lungs, kidneys, and reproductive organs. The students were given the opportunity to study the anatomy of these organs using microscopes and other tools.

“This hands-on experience is crucial in helping students better understand the material. By observing directly, students can see for themselves the shape and structure of the organs they’ve only studied in books,” explained one of the community service students responsible for the practical session.

“Veterinary anatomy is a fascinating and important science, especially for those aspiring to become veterinarians or who have an interest in animals. We hope this material can inspire students to delve deeper into this field in the future,” added another student involved in the programme.

Necropsy: The Experience of Chicken Carcass Dissection

The highlight of the activity was the necropsy session, or the dissection of a chicken carcass. In this session, students were given the opportunity to perform the dissection under the direct guidance of the community service students from the veterinary medicine department. This activity was designed to introduce students to the methods of examining the internal organs of animals and understanding their health conditions.

Students were invited to dissect and observe various internal organs of the chicken, such as the liver, heart, lungs, and intestines. During this activity, they were taught how to properly handle surgical tools, make accurate incisions, and identify normal and abnormal conditions in animal organs.

“This necropsy activity was very engaging as students could directly observe the anatomy of animal organs and learn post-mortem examination techniques. We hope this experience will spark their interest in pursuing veterinary medicine in the future,” expressed one of the community service students.

Student Enthusiasm and School Support

The activity was met with enthusiasm by the students of SMAN 3 Malang. They actively asked questions and participated in discussions, showing great interest in the topics presented. The school also provided full support for the activity, recognising the significant benefits it could bring to the students.

The school expressed high appreciation for the programme organised by the community service students. According to the Headmaster of SMAN 3 Malang, activities like these are highly beneficial as they provide students with a different learning experience and broaden their knowledge in science, particularly in veterinary medicine.

“The hands-on experience gained by the students through this activity is invaluable. They not only learn theory but also develop practical skills that can serve them well in the future,” said the Vice Principal for Curriculum at SMAN 3 Malang.

With the conclusion of this programme, it is hoped that the students will have a better understanding and appreciation of veterinary anatomy, as well as a greater interest in exploring this field at higher levels of education.

Author: KKN Team SMAN 3 Malang