Community Service Program KKN DPP/SPP: Developing KUB Chicken Farmers and Other Poultry Farmers in Langlang Village, Singosari District, Malang Regency in collaboration with the East Java Agricultural Instrument Standardisation Agency

One form of student community service is the implementation of Community Service Programs (KKN). A group from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya, has conducted a KKN DPP/SPP program in collaboration with the East Java Agricultural Instrument Standardisation Agency (BSIP JATIM). This program was held from March to July 2024 in Langlang Village, Singosari District, Malang Regency, East Java. The program was supervised by Dr. drh. Dahliatul Qosimah, M.Kes, and consisted of members Jefry Benefito Sirait, Malfa Lya Zahirah Sofa, Ercha Neza Maharani, Kaila Nurwahyudi, Natania Alandra Widjaja, and Fathia Zahra Aulia Putri.

The team adopted the theme “Unveiling the Secrets of Superior Chickens: Integrated Strategies for the Future Revolution of Poultry Farming” and provided multivitamin supplements for poultry to those involved in the poultry sector on July 11 and 12, 2024. The activity played a crucial role in community service, starting with a location survey to assess the condition of each farm, followed by socialisation on various poultry management topics.

During the socialisation on Wednesday, July 11, 2024, representatives from BSIP JATIM, Mr. Arif Cahyono, S.Pt, and the Secretary of Langlang Village, Mr. Sandi Irawan, S.AP, along with various community members interested in poultry farming, attended the event. The socialisation covered several topics related to poultry farming, including coop management, feed management, reproductive management, disease management, egg storage management, and egg hatching management. Additionally, a discussion session addressed the issues faced by poultry farmers in the field.

Following the socialisation, on Thursday, July 12, 2024, multivitamins were provided to poultry farmers in Langlang Village to improve the health and quality of their poultry. This activity represented a form of community service aimed at ensuring the health of poultry and providing essential vitamins, ultimately benefiting the farmers and the wider community.

By: Jefry Benefito Sirait