Community Service Program DPPSPP and Student Field Work Course Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya, 2024 Education on Livestock Management for the Rukun Amanah Farmers Group, PT. KTHR Indonesia

The Community Service (PkM) programme through the DPPSPP funding scheme of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya (FKH UB), in 2024 is led by Drh. Herlina Pratiwi, M.Si, as the supervising lecturer of the student Field Work Course (KKN) at FKH UB. This programme is carried out in the even semester of the 2024/2025 academic year at PT. KTHR Indonesia, located in Sukodadi Village, Wagir Subdistrict, Malang Regency. PT. KTHR Indonesia is a business unit that manages sheep, cattle, and goats owned by members of the Rukun Amanah Farmers Group of the Community Forest Livestock Association.

The KTHR Rukun Amanah Farmers Group is a professional community organisation operating within a regional scope based on shared activities, interests, and functions in the field of community forest development. The KTHR Rukun Amanah family extends beyond Jamuran Hamlet, Sukodadi Village, Wagir Subdistrict, and includes members from outside Wagir Subdistrict with various professions such as farmers, traders, contractors, academics, and others. Aligned with one of PT. KTHR Indonesia’s goals, which is to become a model of collaborative farming, serving as a hub for information related to livestock, farming, and education about livestock activities, the KKN DPP/SPP programme, with Drh. Herlina Pratiwi, M.Si as the supervising lecturer, conducts educational activities for the KTHR Rukun Amanah Farmers Group and workers at PT. KTHR Indonesia.

Lecturers and Students Conducting Community Service and Field Work Course (FWC) at PT. KTHR Indonesia

The education provided to the KTHR Rukun Amanah Farmers Group included socialisation, training, and practical sessions on livestock management at PT. KTHR Indonesia. The education covered housing management, feed management, and livestock waste management. The implementation of socialisation and training was conducted in three distinct stages.

The first socialisation session took place on 30 June 2024 and focused on housing management to reduce scabies in sheep and feed management, including training on the production of herbal probiotics to increase livestock body weight. The second stage was conducted on 1 July 2024, involving practical sessions for workers at PT. KTHR, focusing on housing management with the creation of fly traps and natural insecticides made from papaya leaf extract to repel flies in cattle. The third stage of socialisation was held on 2 July 2024, covering feed management with training on making turmeric herbal medicine as an immunomodulator for the prevention of Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) and discussing livestock waste management, including the processing of sheep urine into liquid fertiliser.

Documentation of Outreach Implementation (left) and Training (right)

Overall, this activity ran smoothly and left a positive impression on the KTHR Rukun Amanah Farmers Group and PT. KTHR Indonesia. It is hoped that the programme will benefit the KTHR Rukun Amanah Farmers Group by increasing their knowledge, which can later be implemented in their livestock farming practices. Additionally, this programme is also expected to be beneficial for the partner, PT. KTHR Indonesia.

Handover of the Module “All About Livestock Management at PT. KTHR, Malang” to the staff of PT. KTHR Malang