Animal Welfare Education: KKN Students from FKH UB Teach SDN Mejono Students About Rabbit Anatomy and Handling

In an effort to raise public awareness of animal welfare, students participating in the Community Service Program (*Kuliah Kerja Nyata*, KKN) from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya (FKH UB), under the guidance of Drh. Reza Yesica, M.Sc., and field supervisors Drh. Gretania Residiwati, M.Si., Ph.D., and Drs. Budiono, M.Si., conducted an educational program for the students of SDN Mejono. The program, held on July 21-22, 2024, aimed to teach students about rabbit anatomy and proper handling techniques, while also introducing the concept of animal welfare from an early age.

Documentation of Rabbit Anatomy, Behavior, and Nutrition Education Event at SDN Mejono

The program included various interactive activities, such as presentations and hands-on sessions designed to familiarize students with the anatomy of rabbits and the appropriate handling techniques to ensure the animals’ health and welfare. The importance of understanding the basic needs of rabbits and how proper handling can positively affect their well-being was also emphasized. The event received an enthusiastic response, not only from the participating students but also from teachers, staff, and the principal of SDN Mejono, Dra. Anies Erowati.

Documentation of the Rabbit Anatomy and Handling Techniques Presentation

In addition to presentations and hands-on activities, the educational program featured quizzes and question-and-answer sessions, where students of SDN Mejono displayed a high level of interest and asked various questions regarding rabbits. Pre-tests were administered at the start of the program, followed by post-tests at the conclusion of the event, with the objective of evaluating the students’ initial knowledge prior to the program and assessing their improved understanding after participating in the educational sessions.

The KKN FKH UB team also provided various supporting materials, including guidebooks, posters, flyers, and learning modules. The guidebooks distributed to the students of SDN Mejono contained comprehensive information on rabbit anatomy and proper handling techniques, complete with engaging illustrations to facilitate understanding. Posters and flyers summarizing key points on rabbit anatomy and handling were also distributed. Furthermore, learning modules were designed to enable students to independently review the material following the conclusion of the program.

Educational Media on Rabbit Anatomy and Handling Techniques

The successful implementation of this program was supported by various stakeholders, including Mr. Agung Priyono, Head of Mejono Village, Mr. Heru Ismanto, Director of BUMDES Hapsari, Dra. Anies Erowati, Principal of SDN Mejono, and Ms. Oppy, the homeroom teacher responsible for the participating students, along with other teachers and staff at SDN Mejono. Through this activity, it is hoped that students will gain a deeper understanding of the importance of animal welfare and learn how to apply these principles in their daily lives, while also fostering greater care and compassion towards animals, particularly rabbits, which are commonly found in Mejono Village.

Author: Putri Aulia Nur Azizah
Editor : PSIK FKH UB