FKH UB fully provides a website that can be accessed by everyone, including people with disabilities. Our goal is to ensure that all pages of this website comply with the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 Level AA and Web Accessibility Initiative Accessible Rich Internet Applications Suite (WAI-ARIA) 1.0 standards. These guidelines are an internationally recognized benchmark for creating accessible websites that comply with accessibility standards without exception.

FKH UB refers to the principles of the Subdirectorate of Disability Services Universitas Brawijaya to ensure the accessibility of this website by:

  • Including accessibility principles as part of our mission.

  • Including accessibility principles in our internal policies.

  • Integrate accessibility principles into our practices.

  • Assign staff who understand the accessibility of digital information and websites.

  • Organize training on accessibility for staff.

  • Establish goals and responsibilities regarding information accessibility.


We welcome your feedback regarding FKH UB’s accessibility. Let us know if you encounter accessibility barriers on the FKH UB website:

  • Telephone: 

  • E-mail: 

  • Address: 

We try to respond to feedback within 2 business days.

Technical specifications

  • FKH UB’s accessibility relies on the following technologies to work with certain combinations of web browsers and assistive technologies installed on your computer:

  • HTML


  • CSS

  • JavaScript

This technology is relied upon to meet the accessibility standards used.

Non-Text Content Accessibility Support

We add accessibility support to non-text content by:

  • Add alternative text to images and other non-text objects.

  • Add closed-caption or open-caption to videos.

Assessment Approach

The Subdirectorate of Disability Services Universitas Brawijaya assesses the accessibility of FKH UB through several approaches as follows:

  • Self evaluation

  • Formal quality assurance processes throughout the design and development process.

  • Manual checking by people with disabilities.