Education and Counseling on Pathological Diagnosis of Strategic Disease Cases in Dairy Cows at KUD Kertajaya, Medowo Village, Kandangan District, Kediri Regency

On July 27, 2024, the team of Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) DPP/SPP guided by drh. Dyah Ayu Oktavianie, A, P., M. Biotech. AP. VET has carried out educational and counseling activities with the theme “Diagnosis of Strategic Disease Pathology in Dairy Cows” located at Lucky Farm, Medowo Village, Kediri Regency. This activity was carried out in conjunction with the Integrated Community Service activity of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya and was attended by 24 dairy farmers who are members of the Kertajaya KUD Dairy Unit of Medowo Village. This educational and counseling activity was carried out with the aim of increasing the understanding and awareness of dairy farmers in an effort to prevent diseases in dairy cows.

Educational and counseling activities were carried out by FKH UB students as resource persons who presented 3 topics, namely Pathological Diagnosis regarding Brucellosis, Mastitis, and FMD (Foot and Mouth Disease). The presentation of material includes causes, clinical symptoms, ways of transmission, macroscopic and microscopic pathological changes, prevention, and treatment of organs infected with diseases. After the counseling session, farmers can ask questions in the question and answer session so that the information conveyed can be understood properly to increase farmers’ understanding as an effort to prevent strategic diseases in dairy cows. At the end of the activity, farmers are welcome to fill out post-test  questions as an indicator to determine the level of understanding of farmers and the Community Satisfaction Index.

The education and counseling activities carried out by KKN DPP/SPP FKH UB students received a positive response from local farmers and Mr. Sugijanto as the Chairman of KUD Kertajaya Dairy Cattle Unit of Medowo Village. One of the farmer representatives said that they were very grateful to the KKN FKH UB student team who had helped for 2 weeks and provided more knowledge related to strategic diseases in dairy cows. He also said that they hope that the activity can help prevent the transmission of diseases in dairy cows.