Prof. Dr. Ir. Gatot Ciptadi,DESS


  • Guru Besar


  • Animal Science

Research Methodology and Scientific Work in Animal Science (Copyright)

Gamet Cell Biotechnology & Animal Cloning (Copyright)

  • Correlation and Regression of Body Weight and Morphometric Measurements in Madura Cattle (Kerapan) Across Different Age Groups 

  • Dugong dugon (Muller 1776) and Its Habitat in Coastal Areas and Small Islands of East Java Province, Indonesia

  • The Influence of Regulations on Green Marketing Through Consumer Behavior in Shrimp Exporting Companies

  • Analysis of Water Quality Status in the Polluted Porong River Due to Detergent on the Hematological Performance of Java Barb (Barbonymus gonionotus)

  • The Effect of Synchronizing with the PGF2α hormone on the Estrus Activity of Madura Cows

  • Environmentally Friendly Livestock Waste Management in High-Population Areas in Karang Ploso Malang Regency East Java

  • Artificial insemination success rate on limousine crossbred lactation cows

  • The Effect of a Combination of Marsilea crenata and Moringa oleifera Leaves Ethanol Extract on Follicles and Oocytes Diameter of Goat: In Vitro Study

  • Blood biochemical levels of reproductive disorders cases in Limousine Crossbred cows
  • Bali Cattle Semen Characteristics and Diluent Types: A Review

  • Deterioration of frozen semen of Bali cattle after cooling at 5 C

  • Computational study on the effectiveness of flavonoids from Marsilea crenata C. Presl as potent SIRT1 activators and NFκB Inhibitors

  • The Influence of Individual Factors on the Characteristic and Production of Frozen Semen of Bali Cattle
  • The prolific variation, body morphometrics, and breeding value of Indonesian Local Etawah Goat based in East Java

  • Growth response and vital statistics of fat and thin tailed sheep with soybean husk supplements in Malang District
  • 10-gingerol induces oxidative stress through HTR1A in cumulus cells: in-vitro and in-silico studies

  • Effects of seasons and environmental conditions on semen quality of Senduro goatsreared under tropical climate

  • Genetic Variation of Senduro Goats and Etawa Crossbred Goats Based on CYT-B (Cytochrome-B) Gene Sequences Using Polymerase Chain Reaction Method

  • Heterosis effect and outbreeding analysis of boer and PE goat crosses based on birth weight in F1 and F2

  • Reproductive characters of Senduro goat at Lumajang district East Java

  • Supplementation of Moringa oleifera leaves’ extract in Tris-egg yolk extender on the quality and fertility of cryopreserved Senduro goat sperm
  • Reproductive performance and fertility index of swamp buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) in ngawi regency, east java