Achmad Efendi, S.Si, M.Sc, Ph.D


  • Lektor


  • Biostatistics

Sarjana Statistika

Institute of Technology Tenth of November (ITS), Surabaya

Magister Biostatistics

Universiteit Hasselt (Uhasselt), Belgium

Doctoral in Biostatistics

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KULeuven), Belgium

Scopus ID


Google Scholar ID


Analysis and Simulation of the Accuracy of Bank Customer Credit Status Classification using Multivariate Regression Spline (MARS)


Preparation of Blitar Regency Sectoral Statistics Metadata


Analysis and Simulation of the Feasible Generalized Least Square (FGLS) Multilevel Poverty Data Model (Province and City/Regency) in Indonesia


Bayesian spatial model for analyzing minimum wage data in East Java


Analysis and Simulation of Spatial Bayesian Models on Multilevel Poverty Data (Provinces and Cities/Regencies) in Indonesia

Community Social Capital (In the Development of Covid-19 Resilient Villages in Pujon Kidul Tourism Village) (Copyright)

Categorical Data Analysis Using R: Theory and Applications in Various Fields (Copyright)

Applied Spatial Econometrics with R (Copyright)

  • Multiple Time Series Modeling of Autoregressive Distributed Lags with Forward Variable Selection for Prediction
  • Development of Nonparametric Truncated Spline at Various Levels of Autocorrelation of Longitudinal Generating Data
  • Bayesian Spatial Analysis for Minimum Wage Schemes in East Java Indonesia
  • Structural Model of Community Social Capital for Enhancing Rural Communities Adaptation against the COVID-19 Pandemic: Empirical Evidence from Pujon Kidul Tourism Village, Malang Regency, Indonesia
  • Structural Model of Social Capital and Quality of Life of Farmers in Supporting Sustainable Agriculture (Evidence: Sedayulawas Village, Lamongan Regency-Indonesia)
  • Structural equation model development of Covid 19 community resilience in Pujon Kidul tourism village
  • Analysis and Simulation of Accuracy of Credit Status Classification with Bootstrap Aggregating (BAGGING) and Synthetic Minority Over-sampling (SMOTE)
  • Ensemble Analysis of the Students Length of Study at University of Klabat Manado Indonesia
  • Fuzziness Evaluation on Hybrid Context Based Clustering Methods with Fuzzy Geographically Weighted Clustering-Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
  • Application of Hierarchical Time Series Model with Transfer Function
  • Ensemble Adaboost in Classification and Regression Trees to Overcome Class Imbalance in Credit Status of Bank Customers