Edukasi Peneguhan Diagnosa dan Evaluasi Laboratorik Penyakit Pyometra Pada Anjing dan Kucing Kepada Dokter Hewan di Wilayah PDHI Cabang Jawa Timur II

On Saturday, 20 April 2024, a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) event titled “Education on Pyometra in Dogs and Cats (Confirmation, Diagnosis, Management, and Laboratory Evaluation) for Veterinarians in the PDHI East Java Branch II Region” was held. This activity was part of a series of community service programmes organised by DPP SPP in collaboration with PDHI East Java Branch II.

The programme aimed to enhance veterinarians’ knowledge of pyometra, covering the understanding of the pathogenesis of pyometra in dogs and cats, diagnostic confirmation methods using diagnostic imaging, and its management. A total of 23 veterinarians participated and received seminar material presented by Drh. Nofan Rickyawan, titled “Pyometra (from Pathogenesis to Management)” and “Pyometra (Sample Collection Methods and Laboratory Diagnosis)”. Additionally, Drh. Dian Vidiastuti, M.Si., delivered a presentation on “Diagnosing Pyometra through Radiology and Ultrasonography”.

Pre-tests and post-tests on pyometra were administered to participants to assess their level of knowledge. A satisfaction survey was also given at the end of the event to evaluate various aspects, including the speakers, content provided, facilities, and other elements related to the programme.

Students from KKN DPP SPP FKH UB 2024 also participated in the event. Educational leaflets on pyometra in dogs and cats were printed and distributed to participants and provided to veterinary practices, animal clinics, and veterinary hospitals in Malang City and Regency as educational media for the public, particularly pet owners. A module titled “Pyometra” was also created to be given to veterinarians as a guide for managing pyometra cases in canine and feline patients.

Author :
Najwa Meyvira Alfandy
Jessica Ivana Alexsandra Tasumo
drh. Nofan Rickyawan, M.Sc.
Editor : PSIK FKH UB