Choosing the best sacrificial animal. Friends of pro 2 FM together with Mira Fatmawati, lecturer from the Veterinary Public Health Laboratory, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Brawijaya University, chatted this afternoon with Mbak Rara about choosing the best sacrificial animal.
In 2024, FKH UB will collaborate with PDHI East Java 2, Cat Lover Malang, Malang City, Malang Regency, Mojokerto City and Batu City by involving 950 students, lecturers and educational staff to jointly monitor the health of animals and sacrificial meat. Socialization activities in collaboration with Pro 2 FM Malang.
Of course, Pro 2 FM friends who will carry out the sacrificial service will choose the best sacrificial animal to get a variety. How then to choose the best sacrificial animal is to ensure that the animal has been examined by an authorized veterinarian and has a health certificate (in the form of a collar) and is accompanied by an animal health certificate. Physically, a healthy animal must be an active animal, consumes good food and drinks, has smooth and clean hair, and is not thin. Friends Pro 2 FM can also ensure that the nostrils are moist and slightly wet to know that the animal does not have a fever. From the aspect of age requirements, of course the sacrificial animal must be more than 1 year old. The way to determine it is from the teeth. If incisor 1 is still intact then it is less than 1 year old, then ro 2 PM friends can choose a sacrificial animal that has permanent incisors.
The process of slaughtering sacrificial animals should be hastened and the welfare aspects of the animals should be understood. Animals that are treated well during the slaughtering process will produce good meat. Apart from that, it will reduce the innards that will be rejected. If an animal is cut with one slash, without pain and then done well, the blood will come out completely. It is recommended that when processing the sacrificial animal, the animal should be calmed, the knife inserted and the process hastened.
Teman Pro 2 FM also discussed the importance of hanging sacrificial meat. With the suspension process, the surface of the meat will dry, the meat juice will come out and in principle the enzymes found in the meat will break the myofibrils and the connective tissue so that the meat becomes more tender.
Another discussion with pro 2 FM friends was that there was goat meat that smelled of prengus. The smell of goat meat comes from the hormones released by male goats, where the glands that secrete this hormone are at the base of the horns. So, so that the meat doesn’t smell of prengus, it is necessary to divide tasks between the officers who handle the animals before they are slaughtered and the officers who prepare the sacrificial meat.
Regarding packaging, it is also an interesting topic for Pro 2 FM friends, where meat, red offal and green offal should be separated. The packaging should also use low density polyethylene (clear plastic). For storing meat, at room temperature without refrigeration, it will last no more than 6 hours. In the cooler or refrigerator (temperature 0-4oC) it can last 2-3 days. In the freezer or freezer (maximum 3 months). And if you want to freeze it, cut the meat as needed (250 g, 500 g, or 1 kg) put it in a closed container and store it in the freezer for a maximum of 2-3 months.
Hopefully this activity can contribute to the inspection of sacrificial animals in order to obtain safe, healthy, whole and halal meat.