KKN DPP SPP FKH UB 2024 in Langlang Village: “Socialisation for Poultry Farming Development in Langlang Village in collaboration with the East Java Agricultural Instrument Standardisation Agency (BSIP)”

KUB chickens (Kampung Unggul Balitbangtan) are purebred local chickens that have undergone six generations of female selection, experiencing natural selection and adaptation to the Indonesian environment. KUB chicken farms are commonly found in Malang City, including in Langlang Village, Singosari District, Malang Regency. The characteristics and advantages of KUB chickens include egg weights of 35-45 grams, earlier first laying age (20-22 weeks), higher egg production (160-180 eggs per hen per year), a peak egg production of 65-70%, and greater disease resistance. However, many farmers are not optimally managing their KUB chicken farms due to a lack of knowledge about KUB chicken coop management. Many farmers do not fully understand the importance of coop cleanliness, effective coop management techniques, and the significance of good coop management in improving the quality and quantity of their livestock production.

Recognising the importance of understanding good coop management, our team, under the Community Service program through the Community Service Program (KKN) along with our supervising lecturer, Dr. drh. Dahliatul Qosimah, M.Kes, conducted the KKN DPP SPP FKH UB 2024 program in Langlang Village. In this program, we covered several topics, one of which was “A Practical Guide to Managing KUB (Kampung Unggul Balitbangtan) Chicken Coops in Langlang Village.” Langlang Village, located not far from the East Java Agricultural Instrument Standardisation Agency (BSIP), has many farmers who raise KUB chickens. Choosing Langlang Village as the implementation location is part of our team’s desire to reach an area that we feel is suitable and in need of community service.

Through this Community Service Program (KKN), the authors hope to benefit KUB chicken farmers in Langlang Village by helping them better understand the materials on good coop management. The KKN DPP SPP FKH UB 2024 program in Langlang Village was carried out from March to July 2024. The students in this KKN DPP SPP program conducted the following activities:

  1. Survey of KUB Chicken Farmers’ Conditions in Langlang Village
    The first activity we undertook was field visits and a survey of the conditions of KUB chicken farms and the farmers managing them. This served as an initial screening to identify problems and challenges in KUB chicken management in Langlang Village. We visited over 10 poultry and other livestock farmers, each with varying conditions. Based on these diverse issues, we engaged in discussions and sought solutions to educate the farmers in Langlang Village.
  2. Socialisation and Education for Poultry Farmers in Langlang Village and Surroundings
    Following the survey and discussions, we prepared educational materials, including posters and modules, which we presented during the socialisation event. The socialisation, themed “Unveiling the Secrets of Superior Chickens: Integrated Strategies for the Future Revolution of Poultry Farming,” took place on Wednesday, July 11, 2024, at the Langlang Village Office. The primary target audience for this event was poultry farmers, while the broader audience included residents of Langlang Village and surrounding areas interested in poultry farming. The event was also attended by Mr. Arif Cahyono, S.Pt, from BSIP East Java, and Mr. Sandi Irawan, S.AP, the Secretary of Langlang Village. In addition to the socialisation, we conducted pre-tests, post-tests, and a Community Satisfaction Survey (SKM) to assess participants’ understanding and evaluate our activities.
  3. Supplementation of Multivitamins for Poultry Farming in Langlang Village and Surroundings
    The day after the socialisation and education event, our team visited the field to provide multivitamin supplements to several farmers in Langlang Village. This supplementation was intended to improve the health and quality of poultry in Langlang Village. Moreover, this activity complemented our community service efforts and was an implementation of the Indonesian veterinary slogan “Manusia Mriga Satwa Sewaka,” which means “to serve humanity through animal welfare.”

With the implementation of the KKN DPP SPP program in Langlang Village, we hope that the farmers in Langlang and surrounding areas gain a better understanding of poultry management, particularly coop management. We aim for this KKN program to inspire and motivate farmers to adopt good poultry management practices, leading to a successful future in poultry farming. We also hope this initiative encourages potential poultry farmers and the general community to actively learn and explore knowledge about poultry farming.
By: Natania Alandra Widjaja