Malang, Quality Internal Audit 2022 Visitation activity in the Veterinary Education Study Program and the Veterinary Profession Study Program at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Brawijaya University was carried out on October 20 2022. The activity was opened by the Deputy Dean I of FKH UB, namely, drh. Fajar Shodiq Permata, M.Biotech and attended by the Chair of GJM drh. Yudit Oktanella, M.Si and his staff are also the Chair of GJM drh. Viski Fitri Hendrawan, M.Vet and his staff.
Apart from that, there was also the FKH UB Internal Auditor for S1, namely, Drh. Yudit Oktanella, M.Si and drh. Sruti Listra Adrenalin, M.Sc. Then for the PPDH Professional Program, namely, drh. Viski Fitri Hendrawan, M. Vet and drh. Ajeng Erika, M.Sc. The visitation activity was carried out for 2 hours with a presentation of the evaluation results by Drh. Yudith.
The results of the old findings are still homework for undergraduate and PPDH study programs. To improve the quality and quality of study programs at FKH UB, the findings from the AIM visitation must be evaluated. The next activity is to complete the supporting data and prepare a report on the implementation of AIM at the Faculty level.
(FKH UB Public Relations)