Community Service Program for Vet Student (KKN) are a means where students can apply their theory and knowledge into real work in the community, such as community service and direct assistance to the community. Apart from applying and developing the knowledge that has been obtained, this KKN activity can also improve skills in overcoming and solving problems that exist in society.
This KKN activity was carried out on Wednesday, July 3 2024 at the Al-Husna Prayer Room which is located in Garum District, Tawangsari Village, Blitar City, East Java Province. The supervisor for this activity is Prof. Dr. Dra. Med. Vet. Herawati, MP with 6 members, namely Bintang Abellia, Kayyis Elya Salsabila, Sabrina Ayu Arviana Nur Aida, Miftahul Jannah, Amanda Fauztina Kartika Listyani and M. Fernando Vargas. This KKN activity was carried out in an effort to increase understanding of the local community with one of the materials provided, namely regarding packaging techniques using vacuum packs in an effort to extend the shelf life of meat related to food safety by providing education through outreach to the Al-Husna Prayer room study group.
This activity went well where the Al-Husna recitation women were very interactive with the material provided and seemed very interested as evidenced by the activeness of the recitation women during the question and answer session and discussion. The provision of material is carried out using media power point and a manual containing an explanation of the material, then also added with a demonstration of how to use the machine vacuum sealer to pack meat. In addition, the mothers of Al-Husna studies are also given pretest before giving the material and posttest after giving the material which aims to measure understanding of the material before and after the socialization is carried out. Then a community satisfaction survey was also carried out through a questionnaire given after the posttest was completed.
The final result of this activity is that the Al-Husna study group women understand more about the technique of packaging meat using a vacuum pack which can extend the shelf life of meat. In this way, students can apply the veterinary knowledge they have acquired during their studies so that it is hoped that it will be useful for society.